Rome - postcards Postman with bag

Introducing a postcard from the series Mail Legeds - postman with a bag. The postman's bag contains 11 mini-postcards with the sights of the city of Rome. All drawings are copyrighted by the artist.

ROME is an amazing concentration of antiquities and great ancient buildings, sacred monuments and charming streets, with smooth cobbled stones, polished with millions of feet. We will put 11 mini postcards in the mailman's bag. We plan to draw 12 drawings with the sights of the city. We will choose what to draw from this list: Colosseum, Pantheon, Vatican, St. Peter's Cathedral and Square, Vatican Museums, Vittoriano, Trastevere, Piazza Navona, Piazza del Popolo, Castel Sant'Angelo, Roman Forum, Trajan's Forum, Baths of Caracalla, Arch of Constantine, Basilica of San Giovanni in Laterano, San Paolo fuori le Mura, Santa Maria Maggiore, Church of Ile Gesu, Basilica of Saint Clement, San Pietro in Vincoli, Church of Sant'Ignazio, Santa Maria in Trastevere, Capitoline Museum, National Museum of Rome, Doria Pamphilj Gallery, Roman Opera House, Capuchin Museum and Crypt of Santa Maria della Canchezione, Pyramid of Cestia, Circus Maximus, Appian Way, Villa Borghese, Villa Medici, Spanish Steps , Trevi Fountain. The list will be reduced, there will be only 11...